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bAbB bCbD bEbF bGbH bIbJ bKbL bMbN bObP bQbR bSbT bUbV bWbX bYbZ

Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
SRI SAI'S blu MOUNT +woman 30
blu 3
blue +face of lion 3
blue BARRY casual wear 25
blue BELL 7, 21
blue BELL flavour +bell 3
blue BELLS 2
blue BERRY +berries 23
blue BIRD 3, 6, 16, 20
blue BIRD +bird 18
blue BOLT 32
blue BOSS 5
blue BOX 11, 25
blue CANOPY 42
blue CH-DF 5
blue CHIEF 3
blue CHILLY 1, 3, 4, 5, 7
blue CHIP +squares 2
blue CIRCLE 5
blue CIRCLE +circle 2
blue CIRCLE +circle & dot 5
blue CLIFF 3
blue CLIP 3
blue CORIANDER +plants 16
blue CROSS +cross 2
blue DART EXPRESS +arrow 33
blue DIAMOND 3, 7, 11, 30, 34
blue DIAMOND +diamond 3, 7, 9, 26, 27, 31
blue DIAMOND neel 3
blue DIET 3
blue DOLLAR +horse 24
blue DORINA 3
blue DOT 9
blue FIRE 24
blue FIRE +star & circle 14
blue GENET 9
blue GILLETTE +man 8
blue HARBOUR 3, 18, 25
blue HEAVEN 3
blue HINA MEMON detergent 3
blue IDOL 25
blue JAY 7
blue KING 3
blue LADY +woman 14
blue LEAF 25
blue LINK 25
blue LOGICS +oval 9
blue MASTER 25
blue MINE 3
blue MOUNT 26
blue MOUNTAIN 32
blue NAVY 25
blue NIMA detergent cake 3
blue NIXIE 25
blue NOVA 5
blue OYSTER 19
blue PARROT 30
blue PEARL 32, 33
blue PEARL +circle 25
blue POINT 11
blue PRINT 5
blue RIBAND 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 28, 29, 30, 31, 34
blue RIBAND PINADA +fruit 33
blue RIBAND tango orange 32
blue RIBBON 3
blue ROCK 2
blue ROSE 3, 19
blue SAPHIRE 42
blue SAPPHIRE +circle 20
blue SHIP 3
blue SKY 25, 30, 32, 42
blue STAR 19, 20, 30
blue STONE 9
blue STRATOS +bird 18
blue STREAK +stripes 38
blue STREAM 25
blue SURYA 11
blue TURTLE 33
blue UP 3
blue VALLEY +oval 3
blue VERSION 25
blue WIND jeans +bird 25
blue WINGS +man 25
blue barrel 32
blue bird 7
blue bird TASTE THAT LINGER 5, 6, 32
blue bizarre 25
blue brand DUST +bird 30
blue cat 25
blue diamond +diamond squar 11
blue flame 32, 33
blue jeans GAS 25
blue lake basmati 30
blue lightning 9
blue mount BIMBO you got it 25
blue mount DE'BOYZ 25
blue mountain extra dry gin 33
blue sack +face & star 25
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